Kamis, 26 Mei 2011



Jumat, 15 April 2011

penulisan bahasa iklan

NENG ASIH 10607083 4SA03


B. 1. Exact : Right

2. Commemorates : celebrate

3. Defend : spent

4. Keep : save

5. Slant : instruction

6. Speed : quick

7. Shape : type

8. Test : experiment

9. Choice : options

10. Brave : audacious

D.1. Please remember attended the sales meeting at the end of the month.

2. Ship this order success by airfreight

3. Delivery date is not provide

4. Sorry, we cancel your order, because our plant is closed until July 15.

5. Don’t judged the book on the cover

6. Be nice to costumers by being late for an appointment.

7. Sorry, your request is pending.

8. We always remember your special request.

9. We release our prices until April 1

10. Always remember a costumer’s preference.

Vocabulary and spelling studies.

1.impartial-tidak memihak, fervent-antusias, unbiased-jelas, objective-jelas.

2.offered-mengganggu, entreat-meminta, beg-memohon, implore-memohon.

3.blossom-berbunga, bloom-kembang, forbid-melarang, flower-bunga.

4.fabricate-bangunan, fashion-gaya, shape-bentuk, dodge-alasan.

5.meddle-mencitakan, invent-menemukan, interfere-, tamper-.

6.revise-memperbaiki, denounce-menuduh, correct-membenarkan, remedy- memperbaiki.

7.coarse-, gross-, refined-sangat sopan, claude-kasar.

8.guarded-, wary-waspada, watchful-, open-terbuka.

9.exception-pengecualian, principle- aturan, rule-peraturan, regulation-aturan.

10.routine-customary-irregular-terus menerus. Uniform-seragam

11.speculate-menduga2, theorize-teori, guess-menebak2, validate-peraturan.

12.tride-sembunyi, disclose-tertutup, communicate-sembunyi, tell-memberitahu.

13.knowledge-pengetahuan, learning-belajar, information-informasi, fiction-karangan.

14.significant-penting, meaningful-penting, serious-penting, unimportant-tdak penting


Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Penulisan Bahasa Iklan

Taman Setia Mekar blok N3 no 19, Bekasi Timur- Jawa Barat
Indonesia 17510

16, 2010

Mr. Tri Ajie Stia

Siliwangi street Blok F5 no 13

Sukabumi - Jawa Barat

Indonesia 15501

Dear Mr. Stia :

Enjoy the new tariff MAXIM SIM cardr for calling your Relations in International Country, it’s economies until 50% in 14 Country, especially for Blackberries flat Rp.30.000/day in 12 Country.

Make sure your networking set manual, to keep the networking relations.

For information’s clearly click www.maxim.com / roaming – maxim or call 222 from maxim.

Enjoy your life with MAXIM SIM CARD


Neng Asih

Marketing communications

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Penulisan Bahasa Iklan


Taman Setia Mekar blok N3 no 19, Bekasi Timur- Jawa Barat

Indonesia 17510

July 16, 2010

Mr. Tri Ajie Stia

Siliwangi street Blok F5 no 13

Sukabumi - Jawa Barat

Indonesia 15501

Dear Mr. Stia :

Enjoy the new tariff MAXIM SIM card for calling your Relations in International Country, it’s economies until 50% in 14 Country, especially for Blackberries flat Rp.30.000/day in 12 Country.

Make sure your networking set manual, to keep the networking relations.

For information’s clearly click www.maxim.com / roaming – maxim or call 222 from maxim.

Enjoy your life with MAXIM SIM CARD


Neng Asih

Marketing communications